
Saturday, June 18, 2011


     It feels like it's been sooooo long since I posted...a little because it has, more because it's been so chaotic, so hectic, so awfully overwhelming lately.
      I'll start back at the beginning...of June, that is.
     June 6th through 10th, I had Mission Orientation Training with Global. There were five couples and myself going through, all of them amazing, hilarious people.

My MOT group

MOT Group & the Global Staff   

     I tell you, that might be the most information I've ever had to absorb, and the fastest it's ever been thrown at me! But, I got much closer to actually being able to leave the country: mailing list and first mailout letter done, budget written and approved, article written for the Pontotoc Progress, insurance paperwork done, extra paperwork for my visa done (there was a TON of this). And I feel much better about going off by myself to a place thousands of miles away. They put lots of emphasis on us preparing against culture shock, as much as we can, and keeping linked in to home and our support system.
     Hopefully, I can write a separate post about MOT, now that my life is back to normal. I have lots of good stuff I jotted down during our sessions I think everybody should be able to enjoy!
     Tomorrow morning, I'm speaking for a few minutes in front of my church (nervous!!!) just to explain more in depth what I'm going to do than 'I'm moving to Ecuador'. Wish me...luck? Not to break a leg, for sure!

     Just before MOT I met my Ecuador roommate, Laura. God definitely knew what he was doing when he sent the two Mississippi girls to Macas. From what I can tell, we're going to get along just fine! She's a sweet sweet person. And on the plus side for me, she's actually got her Masters in Elementary Ed, so if I get to Ecuador and have no idea what I'm doing, she will! :) She's on the Global site for Ecuador as well, right above me I think.

     Two big events have come up in the last few weeks. First, my friends Thomas and Ashley, after YEARS of dating, got married! Then the next weekend, my first roommate Ashley (a different one) married her fiance Sam.
     Unfortunately, I've been sick pretty much the entire month of June, to my utter joy. I'm not a good sick person. My mom's a nurse, so if I get sick and she can't fix it, I'm not happy. My friend's mom works as a receptionist at the Acute Care clinic I've been to twice, and she was joking that if I got any more shots I'd leak! She's about right.
     The day of Thomas and Ashley's wedding, I went to the Urgent Care clinic I usually go to, and I waited FOUR. HOURS. Some kind of urgent, huh? And after all that wait, I think the nurse practitioner who saw me failed out of school a few times. She tried to tell me I wasn't even sick!
     I missed the wedding, and by Monday I was so sick I had to leave MOT and go to a different Acute Care. They told me I was most definitely sick, with strep and a sinus infection. I kind of wanted to go back to that first lady and say 'So there!' but I felt too bad.
     Friday I was STILL sick, so I went back for more medical intervention. And then the beginning of this week, even sicker, I finally gave up the Acute Care route, and went to see my regular doctor. It's kind of sad you can't go to a regular doctor anymore when you're actually sick...but that's another soapbox. Anyway, final diagnosis? Secondary strep and walking pneumonia. What makes it walking? I've come to think it's because you actually die a little, but your body is still going. That's what it feels like anyway.
     Five antibiotics, three steriods, six cough meds, and a few other goodies later, I'm FINALLY feeling human again!

     June's been busy huh? It's not over yet! I get to end the month on a good note. June 30 my Sunday school class is leaving on our annual mission Key West, Florida! Never been there before, plus my birthday is July 2nd, and we never have anything less than an amazing time, so I'm excited! :)

     Next blog: stuff I'm going to miss MOST while I'm in Ecuador! I've already started living in 'take advantage of my limited time left' mode, so if you see me out eating something like a giant plate of Mi Pueblo nachos or something, just nod and wave! 

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