
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Guayaquil Bound...I think!

     Sorry I've been absent from the blog world lately! Blame the phone company We have AT&T wi-fi at my house, and it haaaaates me. I think it spends its down time thinking of new ways to mess up for me. We have 5 gigs of internet usage per month on the wi-fi, and then we each have small data packets on our phones for when we're not in a wi-fi area. We aren't people that do tons of downloads or watch YouTube all night, so it works out pretty well. Most of the time.
      This last month, I had to buy a new phone. To swap from one iPhone to the new one I had to upgrade the thing's software. Three. Freaking. Times. The AT&T directions for switching weren't very helpful, and I ended up using a ton of internet. Enough to push over the 5 gig limit. No more wi-fi for two weeks, until the new billing month.
     For now, it's back on. The computer anyway. It still refuses to recognize my new phone. Which means 'Hershel' at the AT&T store in Pontotoc gets a nice visit from me Monday!
     It's been a very busy two weeks in my world. I graduated from college, Molly is now a high school senior. I switched to a new migraine medicine, had a bad migraine the meds didn't fix, ended up at Pontotoc ER (fabulous with migraine patients btw) getting a shot, and now I'm on a different, much better new medicine. I finally, FINALLY have enough money in my bank account to order my new laptop, and I didn't have to wait until Dino here died. Tomorrow is our church's graduation service, mainly for high school grads but us collegiates get a moment too. We basically say what we're graduating with and what our next plans are. Which brings me to my biggest announcement..........
      I think I've found a place! I got an email back last week from a couple in Ecuador, the Flys. They wanted to chat me up on Skype and swap q and a's. I fell in love with these sweet people! The Flys are originally from Missisippi, and they have two little kids. They live in Guayaquil, Ecuador, which is the largest city. It's on the southern end, on the coast. They run a library and lots of programs through it (when they said that, I was hooked!), they work with a small youth group, and they visit and make friends with the families in that area. We chatted for about fifteen minutes, and I was ready to buy a plane ticket and go!
     As far as myself, they're writing up a 'job description' of what I'll be doing, but mainly I'll be assisting them in their work. I'll live in an apartment near them. And I'll be with them through December or January, as they're coming home on furlough then. After that I'll be transitioning over to another family in Ecuador until I have to return home in May (there are several different Global missionary families spread out through Ecuador).
     I'm just super excited to be moving forward finally! I hope that everything else goes as smoothly as meeting the Flys did. I received my official invitation to MOT, that's orientation, this week as well. It's the first full week of June. My goal, and hope, is that I have all my 'place' details down before then. Crossed fingers, and praying hard!

Some pics of Guayaquil! Looks like somewhere in California :) No baths in creeks or sleeping in huts here!

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