
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Global Update - Summer Wish List

     My new favorite occupation is telling people my plans after graduation. Do you know what people's faces do when you say 'I'm moving to South America?' Its hilarious! People just don't expect that, especially coming from me, I guess haha.
     I have narrowed the 'place' down to four countries, actually four specific locations within four countries. Ecuador, Honduras, Haiti, and Costa Rica. Yesterday I sent out email to each of the missionary families there, sort of introducing myself and my talents and asking about their ministries, and whether or not they have a place or a need for me. Hopefully I'll get responses back soon! I have orientation the first full week of June, and I hope hope hope to have a spot before then.
     But before galavanting off to God-knows-where (actually...He's the only one at the moment!) I have LOTS of packing to do! I plan to be gone for around 9-10 months, August to the beginning of May. I have to be back by May, because Molly is GRADUATING! Seriously y'all, my little sister is graduating? Doesn't seem right.
     So, thinking about fitting my whole life for that much time in two suitcases is now becoming one of my mental occupations. I'm totally one of those list packers, so I plan waaaay ahead. I know pretty much wherever I go I'll have stuff like toilet paper and sheets and towels, so that's not a worry. I'll be washing clothes regularly, so I don't have to pack eighty-seven pairs of underwear. And I most likely won't have to be worrying about dressing up and primping :) so I doubt hairspray and cute shoes are going to make the suitcase cut. What I pack depends a lot on whether I can wear pants/shorts at my location or just dresses/skirts, but I'm preparing for both. Its kind of funny, going shopping not for style or what I like, but for comfort and 'Can this survive mud and muck?'. Really throws the sales ladies off.
     I am however, going to be packing as much home food as possible. Alyssa is adaptable, but she can only eat so much rice and beans (or whatever) before she has to sneak in a granola bar or something to balance it out.
     Shoes are what's most challenging, I think. Definitely have to factor in the 'yuck' that most third-world countries have. Dad told me 'If you're going to do this, you better get some shoes you can hose out.' So, I'm thinking Crocs, Toms, the water-tennis shoe things I like in the summer, that sort of stuff. No more cute flip flops! Sad day.
     I'm also buying a new laptop in a few weeks, one that's faster and more travel friendly than my old dinosaur and that has a built in web cam, so I can email and Skype everyone whenever I get the chance. Gotta have my iTunes and audiobooks too!
     Here's what I'm aiming to aquire before the summer's over, and I'm out:
Gurkee's Sandals, in denim
A few new books to have for my downtime, what little I expect to have

All these series I read have books due out before I leave, so I'm really excited I don't have to wait until I get back! I'll have some credit on Amazon in about a week from trading in my textbooks, so this stuff is already in my shopping cart, ready to go.
Disclaimer: These are NOT the only books I'm taking. Not by a long shot. I'll be packing my suitcase the night before I leave going 'Hmm....I can fit two more books in if I don't take any socks!' Seriously.

Itunes cards!
I have a ton of music, audio books, and tvshows I want to get before I leave, and iTunes is going to be my BFF, I have a feeling!

For my birthday coming up in July, I really, really want a camera. On the rare occasion I take pictures here, I use my iPhone, but I have a feeling I'll want more than that. I really don't care if it's refurb or used, I just want a good camera.
Canon PowerShot SX230HS, shoots videos, tags your pics with GPS markers, freaking amazing specs.
Starts at $340 on Amazon.... :D Mama, Daddy...just so you know, I really, really love you!

1 comment:

  1. loveeee this post! You should totally get Chacos.. They are the best shoes. Waterproof and all that jazz. I love mine. I lived in them in Montana! :)

    If you need info about them text me. I'm so proud of you! Can't wait to hear about how this trip changed your life! :)
