
Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Confess...

     I think it's funny to read what all people are willing to admit on the internet...forgetting of course that once's it's out there, it becomes general public knowledge! So, here's what I'm willing to fess up to:

- Some of my best and favorite pillows (I only have half a dozen) are the ones I have stolen from hotels! But I don’t raid maid carts or steal the little shampoos, no, I’m above that!

- When I’m in need of a pick-me-up, I put on Latin Soul Syndicate. Try it. You can’t possibly sit still with a straight face listening to that.

- I have never written a rough draft of a paper in my life. When I write a paper, I do it on my computer, and I revise it while I write. And so I start with a blank sheet, and finish with a final draft. It drives my professors crazy, but re-writing copies of papers with only tiny changes drives me crazier.

- I have tried, and failed, many times to keep a journal. My mind goes too fast for my hand to keep up, then I get busy and forget to write, and eventually I have ten pretty little journals with six pages written on.

- Secretly, I actually don’t mind wearing pantyhose, especially if it’s cold outside. It keeps people from saying ‘Gah, Alyssa, your legs sure are white!’

- I have the smallest feet of anyone in my house, and this makes me very happy. Why? Nobody can borrow my shoes :)

- I have a running list with potential future baby names.
    - I get more of a thrill from packing a suitcase and traveling than I do from actually getting to my vacation destination.
      - I don’t eat red meat. Not because I’m a Hindu, or because I want to save the cute cows, or because my cholesterol is through the roof (actually, it is). I just hate the taste of beef like most people hate brussel sprouts.

      - My favorite vegetable, one of the few I like, is okra. Oven fried crunchy, and with ketchup. I’d plant a garden just to keep myself stocked in okra, because you know it has to be home grown.


      - I am super OCD about my laundry. I refuse to use the dryer to iron clothes, and I pretty much iron everything. Actually, I might be the only person I know who actually uses the irons in hotel rooms just so I don't have to have suitcase wrinkles haha. I take my time and fold stuff neatly, even towels. Fitted sheets drive me crazy, 'cause there is no way to make those neat.

       - I have never been to a concert, other than youth group stuff, and I didn‘t really go to those by choice. I don’t like loud music; my ears are really sensitive to heavy bass or loud noises. I do love music though, and I’ll listen to just about anything, except screamo or reeeally bad opera.

      - I hate showers, period. It feels like I’m standing in the rain, albeit hot. I hated living in a dorm, since they never have bathtubs. In my house, we special ordered the bathtubs. One of my sister's friends refers to it as the 'Queen of Sheba' tub.
        - I physically cannot weed-eat. It’s not that I lack the ability; our ancient weedeater just has a personal vendetta against me. Once, it broke two of my fingers just because I tried to crank it (...meaniehead...)

        - I don't believe in lucky numbers. I just use my high school lunch number or my birthday or something. I don't do the whole horoscope thing either. I mean, I know I'm a Cancer, but it means absolutely nothing to me.

        - I’m only afraid of two things - spiders and heights. Being surrounded by tarantulas on top of the Empire State Building sounds like a nightmare horror movie to me.

        - I’ve actually never been to a ‘party’. All these people who go every night, honestly I don’t see how. If I ever drink alcohol, it’s highly limited (one drink) and very selected (beer is the most disgusting drink on the planet). Plus there’s the loud music thing. Total turnoff.

        - I don't chew gum. If you put all the gum I’ve ever chewed together, I might have chewed one pack in my entire life.

        -I have never smoked a cigarette, or even thought about it. By the way guys, total turnoff if you do.

        - I can’t handle the smell of most perfumes and colognes or cigarettes. Even some scented candles or soaps bother me. I have migraines triggered by smell, and the number one thing that gets me is someone’s obnoxious odor.

        - I am horrible at keeping new nail polish on my toes. I paint them, and forget about them for a month until the polish is almost worn off and they look too shabby to ignore.

        - When I was a kid I hated having the seam of socks touch my foot. I wore my socks inside out for most of my childhood.

        - I abhor reality TV. I could actually do without a TV at all if it weren’t for watching movies and the four or so shows I do like.

        - I have a secret obsession with watching shows like ‘Unwrapped’ and ‘How It’s Made’. I’m cool, I know how they make aluminum cans!

        - I am a list maker. I make packing lists for trips, to do lists, lists of things I need to remember for the day...lots of lists.

        - Cinnamon flavored/smelling things, like Big Red or Red Hots, make me feel physically ill. WalMart at Christmas...ugh!

        - I know I am unAmerican, but I don’t like PBandJ sandwiches or hamburgers. Don’t even get me started on the abominations that are hot dogs

        - On the same unAmerican note, I like hot tea and I prefer the Central American version of lemonade.


        - Hairspray, gel, mousse, etc make me feel like I need to wash my hair.

        - I don’t lay on the tanning bed. Yes, I realize I’m pale, but I’d rather be pale than have skin cancer or bacon skin. The only exception I’ll make is right before I get married, I’ll lay for a month or so just so I won’t be as pale as my wedding dress.

        - I hate the feeling of nail polish on my fingernails. It feels like I have something weighing them down I need to wash off.
        - I’d love to be able to wear boots, but I must have skinny legs because almost every pair I try on makes me look like I have cankles.

        - Once, I thought I would be cool and get one of those semi-permanent henna tattoos everyone gets when they go to the beach. It washed off in about three hours. Life lesson: fads are overrated.

        - I think Jon and Kate Plus 8 was the best birth control ever invented, other than teaching a week of thirty toddlers at VBS.

        - I have to set my alarm clock on a quiet setting, because if it's too loud, it scares the mess out of me when it rings and wakes me up!


        1. This post made me laugh! I agree with so many of these! I have had a list of baby names since I was 12. So many to choose from! :)

        2. Ummmm....are you no longer afraid of horse flies? Cause I remember this one time.....

        3. Haha Lori, I'm not bffs with horseflies or anything, but I'm to the point in our relationship where I know if I just play invisible, they'll move along real nice like. Same goes with bees and wasps.
