
Monday, April 11, 2011

TEN! And Counting Down!!!

     I officially have  (TEN!!!) days of class left!!! This is almost, no it IS enough to make me jump for pure joy! School has been my thorn for four loooong years, and now it's almost done!
     So, in about a month, I will have my name printed on a nice, fancy piece of paper saying that I officially have suffered long, paid much, and earned my business degree! Now, just for finding someone to hire/pay me, and deciding what comes next! Haha never-ending cycle, huh?

     So far I have two main big choices to decide between. Behind door number one: I've started the application process with Global Outreach missions to spend from around August to December working somewhere overseas. Behind door number two: I have a call-back interview with Sugarees Bakery in New Albany. Equally appealling options, totally different directions.
     Thoughts on door number one: I've always had a heart for missions, and I've always wanted to spend an extended amount of time in a volunteer capacity. Several of my friends did summer missions a while back, but that wasn't my time to go. I'm not quite ready to commit to serving the extended amount of time that the Journeyman program or something like that calls for, not yet anyway. I'm still very home-bodied and if I ever did decide to do something like that I'd want to know I could at least handle this first.
     On purpose, on my application I did not put down a specific location I wanted to serve. I believe that between Global and God, they'll have the perfect location for my specific talents to be of use, and I believe I don't need to box God in and limit what He can do with me and for me. My biggest fear in signing up for this is that I'll end up somewhere awful, on an island on the opposite side of the planet, where nobody speaks English, with no electricity or plumbing, wifi, phone service, or processed foods, beating my underwear on a rock to get it clean. So anywhere on the upside of that I'm looking on favorably.
     The upside to not taking door number one in favor of door number two: it's still going to be there later on. God may not like waiting on us, but He's always there, and He's always accepting offers to serve.

     Thoughts on door number two: I have been looking for this kind of opportunity to come along for some time now. I have progressed very far in cake making on my own, but there are many things I'd benefit with watching and learning from a pro. Not to mention, this would get me farther along the monetary and experiential road to opening my own bakery, should that be what I'm supposed to do. Huge downside if I don't take this opportunity now: I may not get another opportunity like this. These kinds of offers don't come along every day. It sure won't wait for me to go with door number one and come back. More to think about: I'm still not sure if this cake thing is what God wants me to do, or if it's just supposed to be a hobby and my real calling lies elsewhere. I didn't just love my last food industry job, and I'm wary of getting myself into another bad situation. God still has me 'Waiting' on that answer.

     So if anyone has any words of wisdom, personal experiences, or just anything they think might help me along in my decision making, I'd welcome your thoughts!


  1. I just love that we are both about to graduate, are bloggers, and are almost adults! ahh! God has big plans for us. Both of your options sound great. How about this.. Just go to Africa, and make cakes. The best of both worlds! :) Love you girl!

  2. How awesome! I know God will put you just where he wants you! (:
