
Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 11 - Describe 10 pet peeves you have

Day 11 - Describe 10 pet peeves you have.

Funny enough, this one was fun to write. Usually you try to ignore all your pet peeves, or not let people know little things bother you, but it's kind of nice to just let it all out :) On the other hand, if my future husband ever reads my blog, there'll be no chance of hiding my OCD quirks until it's too late to back out! Hope he's already tasted my cooking by then, maybe I'll have a chance!

1. Folding towels crooked. They just fit in the cabinet better folder.

2. Actually, folding clothes crooked period. If I fold clothes, I take my time and I fold them neatly. No sense in taking them from the pile if you're just going to wad them up in a stack.

3. Dryer ironing. Irons are sold separately, and boards too.

4. When the covers on your bed get all wrinkled and untucked at the bottom, and your toes stay cold because they're peeking out all night long. Plus, if your toes peek out, then the spiders and monsters can get you.

5. When you go to eat a bowl of cereal and can't, because the person before you has only left the crumbs in the bottom of the box or used up all the milk. Same thing goes for taking the last can Coke and leaving the box there so everyone thinks there's still something in it.

6. Finding something you love on a sale rack, and it's a great price, then getting up to the register and learning that it's there by mistake and not on sale at all.

7. Reality TV, rap/heavy metal music, and stupid comedy. Oh, and video games.

8. Parents who insist their small children 'want' to be in beauty pageants, tumbling class, Spanish lessons, traveling ball...guys, your little kids just want to play and have fun. Competition and stress should not be part of their lives until it has to. They'll be living with it forever, let them live without it as long as possible.

9. Snoring. I hope beyond hope my future husband doesn't snore! Because if he does I'll have to manage to fall asleep before him every night if I'm ever going to sleep at all. If I'm in a hotel room with a snorer, I'm basically not sleeping. I count every snore. And resist the urge to smother them with all the extra pillows.

10. People who make drinking and smoking everyone else's problem. I don't care if you're drunk every day before noon or if you're personally keeping Marlboro afloat, but do it where we all don't have to put up with it.

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