
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 23: List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.

     Challenge day 23: List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.

1. Reading: I love reading, always have. I can't really explain why, except that I grew up reading, from baby age on up. My parents read to me and told me stories before I could even understand, so from that time I understood books as something pleasing and comfortable and good. Now I read to pass the time in waiting rooms, to get relaxed before I fall asleep, to calm down after I get home from work, or to just pass any free time I have. I even 'read' while I drive, listening to audiobooks. Definitely makes those early morning drives to work less sleepy, and the evening drives home seem a little faster.

2. Crafting: Since Pinterest came about, I've gotten a renewed liking for any kind of crafty project. Anything that I have laying around the house that is on the plain side or that I don't particularly like has the potential to transform into something new. I always loved little art and decorating projects like that, ever since I got interested in art in high school, and Pinterest is just fuel to the fire :)
     My favorite seasons are coming up, the ones with all the good weather and good holidays! We haven't ever been big decorators, mostly just reusing the same things every year for Christmas and sometimes putting out one or two little things for Halloween and Easter. I did some pretty things for Christmas last year, and this year I'm getting even more creative. Hopefully soon I'll be able to show off pictures of all the new holiday lovelies I've added our collection!

For real! The first step to getting help is admitting you have a problem...

3. I love playing the piano, and I love singing as well. I've played the piano for fifteen years, and it's a great release for me. Best stress reliever ever made. Singing I like much better when it's just me, in my car, and I can turn up the volume of both the music and me, and nobody can hear anything I do. If any other car happens to catch sight of me, well then they'll just get a show of dancing like they've probably never seen.

4. I like to cook, and bake, and experiment with new things in the kitchen. My favorite thing to do is desserts, unique things that come out pretty and taste even better than they look. I'm not a picky cook. I don't eat spaghetti, but I've made up my own signature recipe that my family loves. I make a big effort to do things the old fashioned way, as much homemade as possible. Everything just seems to taste better that way!

5. This is probably my newest hobby, but I really do love to blog. I just started my blog about a year and a half ago, but I very quickly got hooked. I always hated having to write in a journal for school and I never could keep a diary, so I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed blogging so much. Maybe it's because it's so customizeable, or it's so easy and fast to just type your words instead of having to pen them out. Whatever it is, I'm glad I started.

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