
Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 21: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?

Challenge day 21: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?

     This one is a fun topic! I've been waiting on this one, because I have a fun answer :)

     If I could have one superpower, I would choose to have Jedi powers! That's right. I watch Star Wars, yes. My parents raised me right. I watch Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Lonesome Dove, John Wayne, movies where people blow stuff up and fight with guns and swords and do 'manly' stuff (my dad tells us we have to balance out the estrogen movies with stuff like that, haha). 
     Jedi powers are awesome. First, they have the whole telekinesis thing, the ability to move things with their mind, which I have always found completely awesome. I would love to be sitting at my desk, or laying in my bed, and be able to think "Book, come here," or "Pen, come here," and have it glide right over to me. 
     Second, they can influence the way others think. You know, the "These aren't the droids you're looking for," thing. I probably wouldn't use that so much, but I can't say that I wouldn't use it if I got pulled over or something. "Officer, this isn't the speeding car you're looking for..." 
     Third, they have hyper-aware senses. If someone they're tuned into walks into the building, they know. If anything bad happens to someone they're connected to, they can sense it. I think that would be pretty cool to be able to sense people walking in and out of your house, or if your kid got sick at school. The hyper-awareness almost extends to knowing the outcome of a situation before it even occurs. That's probably the most appealing thing to me. I'm a planner, and any knowledge of an event ahead of time is almost calming to me, and definitely makes me more comfortable knowing that I am more prepared for what's coming.
     Last, and I'm not sure if this qualifies as a part of their power, but it's definitely connected to it. Jedi's have lightsabers, and those are freaking awesome! Who wouldn't want to tote a lightsaber around? I'd want one like Mace Windu's...purple! 

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