
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 7: What is your dream job, and why?

Challenge day 7: What is your dream job, and why?

Day 6 was 'What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?', but I'm sort of having a superstitious feeling about answering it and then something way worse happening. Even though I'm not normally the superstition type - I break mirrors if I need more art supplies, I pet kitties black or otherwise, and I walk under ladders if they're tall enough for me to fit under - I'll not be answering that question.

     My dream job has always been an elusive concept for me. I still don't know what I want to be or do as far as a career. The highest education I have is two years of interior design/art school and an Associates of Arts degree in business, simply because I figured I could do most anything I wanted with the flexible business AA, and I didn't need to waste money going for a BA when I didn't know what I wanted to get it in.
     I have been thinking on it a good deal lately, since I started looking for another job, and I think I have an idea of what I'd like to go back for my BA in. Ole Miss offers a Liberal Arts degree that is basically a major of three minors. I know for sure that I would like to minor in history, business, and as for the third minor I'm torn between Spanish and English. I guess I could always make one of those my actual minor....but that would be weird. Liberal Studies major with a minor? So...four minors. Anyway, more thinking is required on that. It'll be a good while before I go back to school for anything, so I have plenty of time to decide.

     To answer my actual blog question, my dream job is something totally made up and is never going to happen. It's a 'dream' job, right? I would love to have some kind of hobby business like a professional organizer/decorator/house remodeler. I know there are people who do all of those things, but here in North Mississippi it's a limited market, especially the professional organizing haha. I'd love to just buy houses and flip them to sell. I'd love for people just to give me their keys and just say 'Make it pretty!' I'd even love to design houses; I actually loved designing and drawing out houseplans when I was in design school. Oh well, maybe someday when I marry that billionaire and he give me all the money I need to start my crazy business, I can come design all y'all's houses!

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