
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fall Pinterest Projects

Happy fall y'all! At least by the rest of the general population. We've entered September, and I'm hoping the weather will take a hint from the calendar and give us a nice long fall season for once! Fall is my absolute favorite, what small time we get to see it here in Mississippi. I've been pinning fall decorations like crazy. I am so ready to wear sweaters and scarves and boots, to see the leaves change, to be able to decorate with pumpkins and pinecones and all those rich fall colors, to see little kids come trick-or-treating on Halloween and give them tons of candy, to watch football on the weekend...yeah, I'm excited, just a little :)

I used to love going to the pumpkin patch as a kid. I kind of wish I had a kid of my own, just so I could take him or her and sneak in on all the fun! 
On another note, isn't it odd/cool that pumpkins come in so many different shapes, sizes, colors, and textures? As a kid, I thought pumpkins were just roundish and orange, but nope, they even make blue ones and warty ones and stripey ones! 

I have found a ton of cute fall decor pins on Pinterest. Some I just think are cute and share-worthy, some I actually want to attempt. Here are the share-worthy ones. 

This one reminds me of my high school art teacher, Gail Morton

I'd love to be able to make one of these, but I have the feeling many many pinecones would have to make the ultimate sacrifice in the name of creativity before I even got close.

Cute little owl :)

The candles are cute, and they'd look good on a table if you were doing a sit-down dinner or something, but I imagine they'd take a lot of work to core out just so for your candles, and they'd probably get hot and mushy around the candle where it's hot.

Cute little pumpkin family. Maybe save this one for a later date.

Now, the pins I want to try:

I think these flowered pumpkins would look pretty on our front porch, on some hay bales maybe?

I want to try one or the other of these designs, either glittered pumpkins or mercury glass spray painted pumpkins.  

Haha. Vampire pumpkins!

For our Halloween candy, a ghost or Frankenstein bowl!

I don't know where I'd use this, but I just love the white mini pumpkins and the pinecones. It just looks so elegant and pretty and neat.

I would love to make a fall wreath for us; the one we currently are using is way way spring blossomy. I like the leaf one, but I need to find a lot of fake leaves first!

The medical personnel in my family got a kick out of the 'patient' mummy pumpkin.

We have a hurricane just this size, and I love the colors of the beans and corn together. Very rich, very fall.

Already got something very similar to this going. Just need Wal-Mart to get some mini-pumpkins in stock!

Hahaha this is my favorite one yet! Pumpkins hiding out in my kitchen. I need to hunt up some of my little dishes and cups so I can do this.

If I could find my mom some big lanterns so I could do this, she would be beside herself. I don't blame her, they're gorgeous. Guess I'll be stalking the clearances for a while!

1 comment:

  1. I love these all! These lanterns are at Goodwill in Oxford (occasionally) and I've seen some at Dirt Cheap! I'll keep my eye out!
